
Monday, June 04, 2007

MY LAST STATUS REPORT IN AUTO FINANCE - There's no place like home.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Leaving the downtown YMCA I was walking to my car. I was aware of a lot of little squeaking sounds. It was like a bunch of kids' trikes that needed oil. The squeaks got louder as I approached my car. And then I felt a presence. I was not alone. At that point I looked up and with mouth agape saw the biggest group of bats leaving the adjacent parking garage about 8 stories up. I'm assuming that bats travel in flocks? But there must have been over 100 bats squeaking and flapping their little bat wings overhead.

At that point, I thought my awe mouth agape should be closed, lest something drop. And then, like a flock of geese this huge group of bats in formation head for the sunset. It was an impressive yet slightly disturbing sight, so I watched them disappear in the distance.

I thought that would be the unusual sighting for the day. I was wrong.

After the bat sunset, I stopped at Circle K on 7th Ave and Roosevelt. This is always kind of a dicey, slice of urban life, hangout. And true to form the place was packed, a long line because one of the clerks felt compelled to empty trash. All I wanted was water, but had to stand in a long line. After standing awhile and imperceptible movement, a lady behind me asks if she can get a head of me in the line. She had been working since 1:00am that morning and was really tired. As I talked to her, my scan noted: older lady, missing most of top front teeth, saggy boobs in big halter top, dirty capri pants, holding onto a big green keg can of beer. "I just want to go home put my feet up, light up a cigarette, and drink this beer."

I moved aside so she could move up in the line. Doing so triggered her personal history lesson for me.

"I am part German, Irish, American, and Cherokee, and damn proud of it!"

"I grew up in Nebraska. My name is Adrienne. Tammy Wynette is my sister."

"I met my cripple husband in a hospital. I used to be a Red Cross nurse."

"I used to drive a truck, but since the accident I can't drive any more."

"Say, you look like a nice man. I'm turning 50 on December 18. Alright!"

Finally, she got up to pay for her beer, but the clerk wouldn't sell it to her because she had out of state ID; and they have had liquor citations. But believe me, there's no one that would confuse her with underage. And not many would buy that she had not seen her 50th birthday already.

So after all that waiting, she left disgusted and her money on the counter and started out the door. I called to her to get her money, and she came back, and left.

As I drove off the parking lot, I saw her hook up with a guy in a wheelchair on the sidewalk. Now I am wishing that I would have bought her that can of beer. I know that just having a cold beer at the end of a tough day let's you keep a perspective so you don't lose more of your mind.

I can't speak for the bats.

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