
Friday, January 09, 2004


OK, so it’s that time of year again to develop goals and action plans. Resolutions are so last millennium. And certainly I have plenty to goal about given I’m not where I want to be in a lot of different existential components. When I think about whether I want to go through this annual ritual, there’s always that nagging question of “why bother?”

What I know from project management is that you can have well laid out plans but if your execution sucks, well then you do likewise. But I come back to the power of expectations.

Expectations keep married couples together when nothing else suggests it.

Some abused women have great expectations that their husband will value them more and let up on the physical trauma.

And struggling athletes (let’s include golfers in that) let expectations push them harder to excel. It keeps them going and not giving up.

Last year I saw vanity license plate in the parking lot at work: IM2QT4U. “I’m too cute for you”. I waited one evening after work in my car just to see who the heck this person was. It surprised me. I knew the guy. He was a short, chubby, ostensibly gay man, who needed the Fab 5 to do something with his pants. I chuckled most of the way home. Like who did he think HE was?

Every time I passed by his cube I would internalize a little chuckle or a little smile would cross my face. Imagine my surprise one day when he drove his second car to work with another vanity plate: IM2QT4U2. This boy just doesn’t stop. I wondered what kind of internal sounding system this guy had. What planet was this guy from, and why did he think that tightening his belt really tight and letting his under belt belly and over belt belly pouch out was attractive.

I lot has happened over the last year. This Mr. Too-Cute has dropped weight considerably, changed his wardrobe, and considerably improved his personal grooming. He actually is a hottie now. He has become the person his vanity plate told everyone else he could be.

So here I am, at the start of 2004. Before I finish my goal statements and actionable achievement plans I need to think about my Great Expectation. I think I need a vanity plate before I hit the gym, take on Atkins, or work on finances. I don’t want to rush into this year without the right mindset or overarching expectational paradigm.

I’ll get back with you on that.

Happy New Year!

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