
Saturday, September 04, 2004


Nothin' gets me thinking more about my commitment to conservative values as much as hanging out on Bourbon Street, drinking Pat O'Brien's famous Hurricaines. I'm told there is no alcohol in these fruity drinks, and you get to keep the little umbrella. Praise, Jesus!

I think all this focus on the Lord by the convention organizers has taken them off their interent game. Their website for the event this coming week links to various New Orleans sites, to give the participants an idea of socially, faith-affirming activities they could do. And it also provides links to the gay bars in the French Quarter. French Quarter Bars I'm assuming that the directors of the convention wanted to make it clear where you were NOT to go, or at least where you were NOT TO BE SEEN going.

Timing is everything. The National Baptist convention decided that the Labor Day weekend would be ideal. Well, sure. So did 125,000 gays and lesbians. It's their annual Southern Decadence event. I would expect there to be more than just culture clash. And unfortunately, the Baptists are starting up while Southern Decadence is winding down. So there are bound to be some tired old draq queens humping about the Quarter. It's just that after days of partying, even trowled on make-up doesn't make them pretty.

New Orleans is a fun city with a lot to offer. I'm thinking that man-on-man sex is not chapter and verse these guys were thinking about. But that lesbo action. Now that's a whole new book. Praise Jesus.

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