
Friday, June 09, 2006

"It’s not the gays that are a threat to my marriage; it’s the women that want to sleep with my husband."

From a New Yorker cartoon, depicting a group of women chatting about current events with cocktails.

I’m reminded of this cartoon as I listen to all the crazy-zaniness in Congress as several conservatives reach hyperbolic apoplexy over this “attack” on marriage. Ergo, let’s change the Constitution.

Laws send a message I’m told. If it were not for laws discouraging gays from existing as a couple and certainly, making it harder on gay sex, I’m told that the siren song of gay pleasure would suck a poor unsuspecting hetero into a decadent, hedonistic lifestyle. That’s a lot to swallow—even for a gay man. The implicit or even sometimes stated opinion is that being gay is a choice—without rules, order, laws, men and women would choose to be gay.

What I have yet been able to ask these "choice" guys, and years ago what I so wanted to ask my FBI ex-father-in-law who talked about the choice I had made, was “so like, when did YOU make that choice that you didn’t appreciate a sweaty, hairy guy’s throbbing man tool up your butt?” “Could you put your finger on it or me, please?”

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